Hand Coordination, Runs And Fillers (DVD Lessons) - 3 Monthly Payment Plan
Hand Coordination, Runs & Filler Piano Lessons on DVD

Hand Coordination, Runs And Fillers (DVD Lessons) - 3 Monthly Payment Plan

Your Price (USD):$35.00
Part Number:PROV2-0307

Please select the monthly payment plan


ISBN-10: 1424338467


ISBN-13: 978-1424338467

The video lessons show you how to:

  • Play piano smoothly with both hands;
  • Coordinate left and right hands;
  • Train left hand to play independently;
  • Fingers will be more flexible in playing piano;
  • Play runs and fillers to ornate your music;
  • Use chords in creating runs and fillers;
  • and many more...

The course comes with 3 DVDs (3 hours video lessons) and 1 exercise booklet (91 pages). Suitable for intermediate and early advanced piano players. The downloadable version is available. The video lessons feature:

DVD #1
  1. Staccato/Legato Exercises
  2. Ascending/Descending Exercises
  3. Root Fifth Exercises
  4. Dynamics Exercises
  5. Dynamics Contrast Exercises
  6. Chords/Dynamics Exercises
  7. Dynamics Control/Tone Exercises
  8. Dynamics Control/Touch Exercises
  9. Contrary Motions Exercises
  10. Articulation/Dynamics Exercises
  11. Hand Coordination Exercises
  12. Thirds/Sixths Exercises

DVD #2
  1. Sixths/Thirds Exercises
  2. Left Hand Patterns
  3. Root/Fifth/Octave Patterns
  4. Intermediate Ballad 1 Exercises
  5. Intermediate Ballad 2 Exercises
  6. Intermediate Ballad 3 Exercises
  7. Runs & Fillers Exercises
DVD #3
  1. More Runs & Fillers Exercises
  2. Arpeggios & Runs Exercises
  3. Arpeggios & Runs in Contrary Motions Exercises
  4. Runs & Melodies Exercises
  5. Ragtime & Swing Exercises

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