Hymn Piano Sheet Music
Welcome to hymn piano sheet music page. Here you will find many beautiful Christian hymns such as Be Thou My Vision, Amazing Grace, What A Friend We Have In Jesus and much more. You will find these piano sheet music easy and enjoyable to play with.
We have arranged the piano music in a way that it is easy for beginner/intermediate piano players (children or adults) to enjoy the playing. You may listen to the audio file before you start practising the songs.
Our modern word "hymn" comes from the Greek hymnosa great indication of just how old the concept of hymnody is: the songs were originally written to gods and goddesses! Fast-forward a few centuries and we see St. Benedict, looking for Latin text to fit the structure of plain song. From that beginning, we see the early Christian hymns Ave Maris Stella (Hail, Star of the Sea), Pange Lingua (Sing My Tongue), and Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit) were set to music by composers such as Monteverdi.
By the sixteenth century, Protestant reformers insisted on Christian hymns that could be sung in the vernacular and that had solid Scriptural bases. To that end, they set the Psalms themselves to metrical form, making them both easy to remember and easy to sing. By the time printing was invented, Christian hymns had a prominent composer in their ranks Martin Luther (14831546), whose Ein Feste Burg is Unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God) is sung frequently to this day. From these roots, among other pieces, came Bach's mighty series of Chorales. Meanwhile, back in England, congregations stuck with metrical psalm singing but were increasingly dissatisfied with it as the Book of Common Prayer came into liturgical use, with its more sophisticated use of language than the metrical settings could afford.
It wasn't until Isaac Watts (16741748) came along that Christian hymn singing in England transformed from mere metrical psalm singing to poetic expression that gave voice to people's religious feelings. Later, Charles and John Wesley added their compositions to the mix, writing hymns to stir the emotions of the people at the same time they imparted Scriptural truth. Under their influence, Christian hymn singing became a central feature of Methodist worship; it has become a central feature of much worship since, all the way to our present age. From Latin chant still popular in many circles to contemporary Christian "worship bands," Christian hymns continue to express religious sentiment, inspire fervor, and in the best cases, remind worshipers that our God is a God of creativity, harmony, and beauty.
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Great Hymn Arrangement Course