The sight reading exercises have been extremely helpful!!
The sight reading exercises have been extremely helpful!! And thank you for being honest about how important it is for us to practice!! You said you can't help us, more less, unless we are committed to do our part. And that is PRACTICE!! I have read so many programs on line, that lead you to believe, that somehow, by magic, you will start playing if you get the course. I love to practice now, because, you make it fun and exiciting. Ok, the sight reading can get a bit boring, but the pay offs are well worth the effort!!
I appreciate you sharing your many years of training and the knowledge you have gained. I can see, you have given MUCH thought to your slight reading program. The simple exercises you provide are amazing! They have helped me sight read, so much faster!! Plus playing the flash computer games have been a great help..... learning to read intervals, cool!! This is a BIG shortcut for me as I am returning to the piano, as an adult. It has helped with Moonlight Sonata, as well as Leibestraume, which I am still working on, I love that song! Like you I took classical lessons for several years, yet would not dare to try and play Happy Birthday without sheet music!
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Reviewed by: Linda from Illinois.
on 1/1/2012