Mastering The Art Of Piano Sight Reading (Downloadable Piano Lessons)
Piano Sight Reading by Yoke Wong

Mastering The Art Of Piano Sight Reading (Downloadable Piano Lessons)

On sale$55.00
Retail Price (USD):$84.00
Your Savings (USD):$29.00(35%)
Part Number:PSR-Downloadable


ISBN-10: 1424338450


ISBN-13: 978-1424338450

Format: Digital downloadable

Skill Level: beginner, intermediate , and early advanced

The video lessons (Compatible with iPad, iPhone, and other tablets) show you how to:

  • Read both treble clef and bass clef notes at the same time;
  • Play the right keys without looking at the keyboard;
  • Recognize music notes fast;
  • Count the rhythm of any piece accurately while reading the notes;
  • Count music with eighth notes and sixteenth notes;
  • Read group notes;
  • Speed up sight reading;
  • and many more...

The course comes with 2.5 hours video lessons, 150 sheet music exercises for different skill levels from beginner to early advanced, 500 computer exercises, and one exercise booklet (196 pages). The Video Lessons feature fundamental and advanced techniques of piano sight reading including

  • Introduction
  • Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Staves
  • Mirror Concept
  • Treble Clef Music Reading Jingles
  • Treble Clef Space Notes
  • Bass Clef Music Reading Jingles
  • Sight Reading Techniques
  • Key Signatures
  • Circle of Fifths
  • Key Signature Exercises
  • Chord Inversions
  • Alternating Patterns

Take a look at our piano sight reading sample exercises. We also provide audio recordings with the music scores:

  1. Beginner Sight Reading Exercises (Listen To Audio Sample)

  2. Intermediate Sight Reading Exercises

  3. Advanced Sight Reading Exercises


5 Stars
Yes! I am learning lots from the courses
The thing that helped me the most is the chord formulas, that alone made it so very much easier to play songs by ear and get the right chords. Next is the Note and Interval Recognition Exercises and Sight Reading Exercises; my favorite part about them is that there are so many! I would like a few more interval exercises, but the ones I have are doing the job; most other courses seem to only have a few sight reading exercises and I memorize them too soon so it's I subconsciously try playing it by ear, then it's harder to make myself read the notes. Then there's the Black Keys Improvisation, this is the more fun part of the things I've learned; I have learned Faded by Alan Walker which has Eb Minor Cb Major Gb Major and Db Major chords in that order, I often improvise based on that song, and also just use that chord progression to improvise my own song. Another chord progression I like to improvise with is Gb Major, Db Major, Eb Minor and Cb Major. Despacito is a fun song to play and improvise with also.
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Reviewed by:  from Utah. on 6/3/2021
5 Stars
Your program is a gift
First of all , I am giving honor to God, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, for placing you in path. I also give thanks to you by taking time to put this program together. To me , it is not a buying product, but it is just a ministry , by revealing me the secret to play the piano. I went to school and I gave up because I was frustrated when I had to count 8th notes and 16th notes .The teacher had so many students and had no special time for me and keep repeating lesson. I changed my mind, I went to people who know how to play by hearing, when they played , they were sound good to me , but I was unable to apply their formula not knowing when to change.
Now , with your products, and a minimum amount of time , my reading and counting are improved and my music is sound great and classic , because my wife and my friend testified that. I believe by continuing applying your technique , I will become one of your true disciples and compare with what I paid to learn music, your program is a gift. By showing the proper finger to play makes music simple. Miss Yoke , you are my friend because I take you everywhrere, with my Ipad and Iphone. My only problem some of files were damaging while downloading.
Did you find this helpful?  2 of 3 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from New York. on 1/26/2013
5 Stars
Musician, Businessman
Just started the sight-reading course from Yoke Wong,less than a week ago, and I'm seeing my problem areas clearly. Knowing the notes on the staff, knowing intervals at a glance is all getting better now.Seeing the piece as a whole,analyzing it, reading down the scale fluently, is nice when Yoke teaches it.From the mirror idea I have been able to cut down the two stave to AC,BD,CE,DF,EG,FA,GB, for same up-to-down lines and spaces. Lastly I liked Yoke teach on seeing chord notes during analysis.
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Reviewed by:  from Port Harcourt, Nigeria. on 6/28/2012
5 Stars
You are a wonderful teacher
The "Sight Reading Course", has definitely helped me! The videos showed me new methods to help me remember the notes. The games are fun and helpful. Thanks Yoke, you are a wonderful teacher!
Did you find this helpful?  1 of 1 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Texas. on 5/12/2011

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