How to Download Files to iPad

Posted by John on 7/17/2014 to Harmony & Melody Studio News
  1. Download the files to your computer.
  2. Download VLC app to your iPad from App Store. VLC app has a free version and paid version. If you download the free version, the ads will show up when you watch the video.
  3. Connect your iPad to your computer or laptop with USB cable.
  4. Log into your iTunes account from your computer.
  5. Press the iPad button.
  6. how to download files to iPad instructions
  7. Press the Apps tab.
  8. how to download files to iPad instructions
  9. Choose VLC from Apps.
  10. how to download files to iPad instructions
  11. Click Add File button.
  12. how to download files to iPad instructions
  13. A window will pop up. Choose the file you downloaded into your computer earlier and click Open button.
  14. how to download files to iPad instructions
  15. The title of the file will show up after it is downloaded to your iPad.
  16. how to download files to iPad instructions
  17. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all files are downloaded to your iPad.
  18. Disconnect your iPad from your computer.
  19. Open VLC app in your iPad. The videos you downloaded are saved in Movies on this iPad folder.
  20. Enjoy watching the videos on your iPad.

Over the Rainbow Downloadable Lessons

Over the Rainbow Piano Lessons



Ed Provost
Date: 7/17/2014
You alwasys do a nice job. Thanks

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