Gavotte by Bach

The gavotte, also gavote or gavot, is French folk dance. The gavotte in the Baroque period is typically in binary form. Bach wrote quite a few Gavottes. The examples in suites and partitas by Johann Sebastian Bach are well known.
When present in the Baroque suite, the gavotte is often played after the sarabande and before the gigue, along with other optional dances such as the minuet, bourrée, rigaudon, and passepied.
Bach was the son of Johann Ambrosius Bach, organist and town musician of Eisenach, German. The Bach family had produced many fine musicians during that time. J. S. Bach was orphaned at the age of 10 and went to live with his brother Johann Christopher at Ohrdruf where he had klavier and organ lessons. Most of Bach's compositions were composed for the organ. Bach studied the music of other composers by copying or arranging their scores, a habit he retained throughout his life.  

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