Just when you think piano playing takes too much time and you are about to give up, meet Patrick Henry Hughes -
Patrick teaches me much more than music playing; he teaches me how we need to count our blessings. His life reminds me that we each need to bring out our potential and touch others life.
"You are the light of the world". (Matthew 5:14) Patrick shines!
Yes, Patrick was born with severe physical limitations: He's blind and can't stretch his arms fully. To many these birth defects are unfortunate. But Patrick is more than just disabilities. He doesn't dwell on his inabilities; instead, he looks at the gifts and blessings he was bestowed with. He truly has many musical talents: piano and trumpet playing and singing to name just three.
His life is a blessing to many. He teaches us to count our blessings and to continue to rely on the Lord who gives him strength.
Patrick puts many of us to shame. Now, we have no excuse not to use our talents and gifts.
Its time to learn to play piano.
How to play the piano? With a grateful heart and attitude!
We thank Patrick and his dad for giving us a valuable piano lesson.